Moving on from “I believe in Jesus.”

Moving on from “I believe in Jesus.” to learn about the Prophecies shows the odds: “From being born of a Virgin at the appointed time and place, from the predicted Tribe and House, and dying the way He was prophesied to die, the odds are trillions to one that Jesus was not The Prophesied Messiah.” […]

Jesus said, 18 times: “Be Catholic!”

He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies was Truth, or He wasn’t. Each chooses to obey all, some, or none of His instructions. His most repeated instruction? Jesus repeated one instruction, despite hostile disagreement from followers, twelve times in the short passage between John 6:33 and John 6:66. He repeated it at least six more times in […]

I should have said:

We have a duty to share the wonder of The Only Church Jesus Founded. Here’s a way. You are in a line, or about to buy something or get somewhere, and there’s only one left. Another person wants it, but you were there first. Usually, the person will say, “Well, you were here first.” and […]

I bet my soul

Once we consider, “I have an immortal soul that will either spend eternity in perpetual pain or unending joy.”, we are forced to choose. Some make this bet: “Hey, I bet my soul that God is kind and loving and I am a good person! I don’t need a Church or any formal stuff that […]

It’s safest to be Catholic

When we compare the Catholic Church with 43,000 schisms, it is clear that one bet is best. As far as having our souls attain eternal joy, it’s safest to be Catholic. The Bible tells us so! Today’s reading includes the Response from 1 John 2:5, “Whoever keeps the word of Christ, the love of God […]

Play these odds! 3

What are the odds that the most bizarre thing any religious founder ever said would come true, two thousand years later? What was that bizarre thing? Today’s Reading is Mark 10:17-27. It is the parable of the rich man who obeyed the Commandments, recognized that Jesus offered the way to Heaven, ran (not walked, ran!) […]