Catholic Fundamentalism

God programmed such a fascinating world, with such fascinating people and possibilities (see above column, for instance), that we are often distracted from Him.

He programmed particles, compiled them into structures, and let us, the kings of creation, move among what He made just to see if we would move toward or away from Him. So, He should be increasingly at the center of our thoughts.

As we grow closer to God, we grow closer to our neighbors as we see that they, like us, are made in His image. We want them to use their free will to move closer to Him, as we, ourselves, move closer to the source of all joy.

Catholic Fundamentalism is lot like a table on which the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle can be put together. The table is so big that everything fits on the table. Darwin, Freud, Marx, and all the other frauds are there, fitting in perfectly.

Every political thought, every religious heresy, every single human being who ever was and is fits right in.
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The absolute delight of being able to examine any part of Creation, turn in over in our minds, and see that it fits right into Catholic Fundamentalism is a sure cure for what ails us. Because, even our ailments fit us as perfectly as the thorn in St. Paul’s flesh.

And, it’s fun. It’s fun, looking at the Grand Canyon and realizing what silly, credulous fools they are who believe the silliness that it took longer than the few months of The Flood, with great, lunar tsunamis as big as mountain ranges rolling over the earth, to lay down and compress all those layers of stone.

It’s a joy to watch professional liars tell us to think in ways that benefit their employers.

It’s hard not to hate them, but loving such people is our job. So, that’s what we do.


At Judgment, we will all find the cost of willfully disobeying Any Word of Jesus. ~ Question 1: “Why are only Catholics blessed with ‘Holy Vanity’? Answer: “Catholics are the only people chosen to understand this Simple Fact! ‘Every Word of Jesus Christ is being Spoken directly to me!‘” ~ Question 2: “Why can’t Willful […]

Jesus keeps Catholics from drowning in the self-serving confusion that leads many to reject the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that He left on earth. ~ Question 1: “Why is Willful Protestantism ‘living in confusion’?” Answer: “Look what God tells us about Jesus in Luke 1:69-73! ‘He has come to His people and […]

Catholics think Clearly!  We know where to find the cure for the worst kind of “leprosy’. ~ Question 1:  “Why does The Bible warn us so often about ‘leprosy’? Answer:  “‘Leprosy’ was a horribly disfiguring disease.  God’s priests had to identify it to save others from being infected.  Leviticus 13:1-2 explains: ‘The Lord said to […]