Catholic Fundamentalism is a new doorway to The Church and eternal joy.

Catholic Fundamentalism is a new doorway to The Church and eternal joy.  It begins by offering a view of God as The Loving Programmer.  Catholic Fundamentalism ends with the realization that The Roman Catholic Church is all the reality that any human is programmed to comprehend.

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Most are smart enough to grasp the basic concept of Catholic Fundamentalism:  The Loving Programmer has the power to program in what we picture as 3-D pixel/fractals.  He is not limited to a simple binary system that is the basis of the what humans use to program computer animated movies that merely appear to be three dimensional.

The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded the basic programs of energies and particles.  He and His Programming Assistants, known as “the nine choirs of angels” in the Iron Ages, compiled His basic programs into systems and beings that acted according to The Creation Program.

What are we?  Humans are free will programs.   We are each lovingly written and downloaded with free will.  We operate within The Creation Program and are the most complicated programs in it.

Each of us has a soul who came into existence at the moment of our conception.  Our mind, body, and spirit were continually downloaded around it, compiled from nutrients it was programmed to absorb.  Our soul came a microsecond before our body began to grow, and our soul will last long after our body is gone.

Each soul lives  forever.

During its days in the clay, each soul may choose to believe and obey The Operating Instructions provided in the Old and New Programming Logs.  If it does so sufficiently, it will spend eternity with The Loving Programmer, in joy forever.

Other souls will be distracted by the errors that comprise Conventional Reality.  Those souls will spend eternity in the pain and suffering of The Corrupting Virus.

The Roman Catholic Church is, in and of itself, a “miniature” version of The Creation Program.  It is the doorway to Heaven, the entry to a “sheepfold” through which the saved must pass.

What is outside The Church?  Conventional Reality.  Manifestations of Babylon.  We don’t want to spend too much time among its many, many attractions.  We all think about helping people rise above Conventional Reality.  We may wish to show others a new escape from Babylon.  Catholic Fundamentalism is a new doorway to The Roman Catholic Church and eternal joy.
