Catholic Fundamentalism and the Binary System

Most of us have some awareness that computers operate with a binary code. The code consists of ones and zeroes.

Catholic Fundamentalists apply that to The Creation Program. We see that God, The Loving Programmer, may have used a variant of the binary code when He wrote The Creation Program. His binary may be more complex than ours.

He may be able to program with “switching”. Between the on-off of the binary, there is a fraction of a nanosecond in which the switching is actually done. He may be able to program and download with on/switching/off.

If we carry that to the next step, we can see there are, in His much closer view of time, several stages of what we see as simply on and off. He may work with on, and switching to switching, and switching, then switching to off and finally, off. That could give Him five programming units.

On the other hand, He may be able to go so fast that on/off meets all His programming needs. We see the binary code reflected in our human programs. We are either male/female, living/dead, within the pale/beyond the pale, or saved/lost.

Our own minds work similarly to His, but with far, far less power.
