Catholic Fundamentalism opens a new door: Micro-Catholicism!

Catholic Fundamentalism opens a new door: Micro-Catholicism!

What is Micro-Catholicism? Micro Catholicism begins with The Immaculate Conception of Mary.

When The Blessed Mother of our Lord was conceived, Her Mother, St. Anne, produced a Holy Ova. It would become Jesus.

Think about a human ova. How many atoms does it contain? One estimate: 300,800,000,000,000,000! Each person’s mother produced an ova with more than three hundred quadrillion atoms!

The Blessed Ova of St. Anne was perfect. Every electron in every atom in every molecule was perfect in alignment and construction!

The Perfection of God came to earth in The Holy Ova of St. Anne. God caused St. Anne, The Holy Mother of The Blessed Mother of God, to miraculously produce The Most Perfect cell in all Creation! Truly, it was The Immaculate Conception!


After Mary reached her teens, The Holy Spirit took physical form on earth. He entered The Holy Ova of St. Anne. The smallest human cell entered into the largest human cell. That Holy Cell was comprised of 100,000,000,000,000 atoms! One hundred trillion atoms! That was The Holy Spirit!

That Perfect Cell was exactly that: A Perfect Cell. Each sub-atomic particle and each atom and each molecule was Perfect in Position and Being!


Those two Perfect Cells became Jesus! The Second Person of The Holy Trinity had come to earth in human form! He was utterly dependent upon His earthly parents.

His Blessed Mother’s Decision, “I will be the handmaiden of The Lord.” made it possible for Jesus to come to earth, smaller than a grain of salt!


Every Messianic Prophecy had been fulfilled! At the right time, God moved some tiny electrons in the mind of Caesar Augustus. God prompted him to Decree when and how “all the world shall be taxed.”

That Decree brought Joseph and Mary and The Blessed Unborn Jesus to the Prophesied Town at the Prophesied Time in the Prophesied House of The Prophesied Tribe.


300 Prophesies came true. We see it all more clearly because Catholic Fundamentalism opens a new door: Micro-Catholicism!

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