Catholic Fundamentalism. Traditional Concepts, New Descriptions. Are They Sometimes More Useful Descriptions For Our Time? You Decide:

God, The Father:  Catholic Fundamentalists see Him as The Loving Programmer.  He wrote The Program.  Each of us is a sub-program within the vast Creation Program.  We human programs have each been programmed and downloaded with one purpose, to choose or reject belief in and obedience to The Loving Programmer’s Operating Instructions.  Each of us has been programmed with our own, individual, strengths and purposes.

God, The Son:  Seeing that Jesus Christ is The Son of God is our beginning.  We see that description is expanded when we consider Ephesians, 1;9  “the hidden plan (Program) He so kindly made (Wrote and downloaded) in Christ from the beginning”.

The Program, in its total perfection, is personified in Jesus Christ to Whom all the sub-programs, human and otherwise, are subordinate.  The Program became flesh, suffered, died (let Himself be erased) and rose (was perfectly restored!), again.

God, The Holy Spirit:  The Father and the Son are Nouns.  They are The Most Proper Nouns in any human language.  The Holy Spirit is Verb.  The Father is The Loving Programmer.  When He programs (verb), the Holy Wireless Connector joins Him with The Program.  The Holy Wireless Connector first provided the action between The Loving Programmer and The Program.

When The Loving Programmer downloaded The Creation Program, The Holy Wireless Connector provided all the necessary action between Programmer and Program, just as the spirit in a human programmer lets him or her perform the required operations.  That action began by bringing into being all The Program’s necessary Programming Assistants (angels) to download The Program in three dimensions and have it move through time.

It was The Verb, The Holy Wireless Connector who gave being, form, and structure to all the lesser nouns. Then, He began the ongoing process of providing/being the “connective cloud” through which communication passes between the human programs and The Loving Programmer and Program.  It is He Who forms the babies in their mothers’ wombs.  It is He Who takes our prayer requests to God, or to the appropriate Saints and Angels.  They, in turn, access both His and The Loving Programmer’s Power at a higher level to bring those requests before the Throne that rises in the midst of Programming HQ.

When our prayers, which are requests for programming assistance, are answered, it is The Holy Wireless Connector who provides the programming assistance for which we plead.
