Catholic Fundamentalism’s new Theory of Continual Downloads.

Is Scripture or science right when they differ?

Catholic Fundamentalism offers a new approach.  It begins by visualizing God as The Loving Programmer.  He is able to program particles and energies.  He compiled those basic programs into systems and beings.  Then, He downloaded The Creation Program.

He downloaded each of His beloved human programs within The Creation Program to give us an opportunity to believe and obey His Operating Instructions.  Why?  He loves us.  If we choose to sufficiently believe and obey, we spend an eternity in unimaginable joy with He Who created us.

How should we react when we read passages in the Bible that speak, for instance, of the sun going around the earth?  Many people think such passages are mistakes.  They seize upon them with very predictable reactions:   “The Bible is supposed to be The Word of God.  If The Word of God is wrong, then God is wrong and so is His Church!  So, I am just going to do what I want!”

The amazing thing about hearing such tired, hackneyed thoughts?  The people who spout such platitudes invariably think they’ve said something clever.  Many congratulate themselves on being “original”.  Some think they’re being “courageous”.  Others take pride in being “modern”.  Their demons encourage such delusions.

Catholic Fundamentalism is too polite to say that they are foolishly drowning in their own vanity.  Instead, Catholic Fundamentalism respectfully asks them to consider the new Theory of  Continual Downloads.

The Theory of Continual Downloads begins by supposing that God, The Loving Programmer, is efficient.  He accomplishes His Will without wasting effort.  He wrote and downloaded The Creation Program to provide free will to His beloved human programs.

In the early days of The Creation Program, the ancestors of our human programs didn’t need much around them.  The Garden of Eden may not have been much bigger than a few acres.  Light and dark could be provided by having an angel pull a ball of fire across the sky every twelve hours.  As there got to be more people, His Efficiency may have had a new download.  Continual downloads made the earth program larger when it needed to be.  For a long time, it may have been flat.  It may have stayed that way until it was the size, say, of the Middle East.

When people got so worried about falling off the edge they couldn’t think well, Catholic Fundamentalism’s new Theory of Continual Downloads suggests that He re-programmed the earth.  He turned it into a large ball.  At first, an expanded version of the earlier ball of fire went around it, much as the moon does in the current download.  This period had lots of downloads.  In one of them, so much water was programmed to appear that many of the earlier downloads were erased.  Mountain ranges were pushed up, layers of ossifying sediment were laid down, and the world was ready to provide geology, paleontology, and free will for all the time remaining for The Program to run.

Several thousand years later, people started using their free will to make telescopes.  He was ready for them.  The Loving Programmer had His astronomy angels start cutting and pasting Galaxy Programs all over the sky.  “Make sure that the human programs will always have something to look at and be free to choose is proof that The Creation Program came about by itself.   My sense of justice requires Me to be very, very sure that every human program is able to make a choice between believing or not believing in Me and My Church.”

So, the angels joyfully did as they were told.   Human programs who don’t know about Catholic Fundamentalism’s new Theory of  Continual Downloads make the mistake of thinking things are vastly different in origin and structure than they actually are.  So, the Theory of Continual Downloads fits in with Catholic Fundamentalism’s other new theory, “The Garden is Self-weeding”.

