Some Catholic Fundamentalists don’t even bother arguing.

Some Catholic Fundamentalists don’t even bother arguing. Well-adjusted minds gravitate to the simplest positions that cover the most bases. CFs believe that God is The Programmer of Programmers. We think His Power allowed Him to program energies and particles. He compiled them to create sub-programmers, beings, and structures that go through time.

We humans, programs who have free-will, are among His most complicated programs.

Our admitted simple-mindedness takes many forms, one of which concerns the six Programming sessions.

We say, “God programmed the world in six days, just as Scripture records.”

More complex moderns often reply: “I don’t know if there is a God, and I don’t know if He made the cosmos. I believe that there was a “big bang” billions of years ago. We evolved from the ‘primordial ooze’ that formed after the “big bang”.”

One reply, “You have allowed your mind to be filled with needless complexity.” may seem to be overly dismissive.

On the other hand, it saves us a lot of time and energy.
