The Number “42” lets us understand that man on a horse!
Question 1: “Why is 42 an important number?”
Answer: “Today’s Catholic Reading from Gn 49:2, 8-10 counts 42 generations in the approximately 2,000 years from Abraham to The Birth of The Prophesied Messiah, Jesus Christ. We see about that number of generations between Jesus and today! (By some Divine Coincidence, #42 is also the number of Catholic Fundamentalism posts about every person’s ‘Jesus Receiver’, a new way to describe the part of our heart and mind that allows The Most Blessed People on earth to ‘Receive Jesus’.)”
Question 2: “Why is Abraham so important to God and us?”
Answer: “Abraham was God’s Combination of DNA from tribes that may have taken 42 preceding generations to form his Father and Mother. Going back 84 generations, about 4,000 years, we see the beginnings of the Sumerians, Amorites, and Hittites. Using the approximately 2,000 years of 42 generations as a basis, we can go back another 2,000 years to 8,000 BC. That is when God programmed human DNA that began people who built the earliest stone buildings and structures in Turkey. ‘Two Thousand Year Chunks Of Time’ helps us put History in perspective.
Question 3: “What does the latest ‘2,000-year chunk of time’ help us see?”
Answer: “We see something amazing in food production! After our 2,000 year ‘chunk of time’ began, we went from one man on a horse at the top of the page to one man pulling this incredibly updated harrow:
Question 3: “Had anything like that happened before?”
Answer: “In an earlier ‘2,000 year chunk of time’, the annual flooding of the Nile kept Egypt’s land irrigated and fertilized. Fewer people were needed to produce food. Everyone else had to be kept busy. Leaders made them build pyramids. As the number of people increased, more useless Public Projects kept people busy between wars.
Question 4: “How do governments keep people under control, today?”
Answer: “The same way they did in Babylon. When they ran out of walls, wars, and buildings to build, they distracted people by inventing problems and useless government programs pretending to ‘solve’ them. At the same time, they provide the usual distractions of sports, drugs, and sex.”
Question 5: “Was there ever a time in History when people were free to do more worthwhile things with their lives?”
Answer: “When Jesus came, more people let their ‘Jesus Receivers’ understand This Simple Fact: ‘I have an immortal soul. The Most Important Thing I can do is get my immortal soul into Heaven for eternity.’ Suddenly, deserts were full of holy men and women spending lives in prayer. Monasteries and Convents throughout Christendom provided the same opportunity. More people were free from confusing distractions and happier than ever. Between the time Arian Persecutions ended and ten centuries later, when Martin Luther invented Protestantism as an excuse to steal Catholic properties, God let His Catholic Church provide ‘The Thousand Year Reign’ for God and His Catholic People.”
Question 6: “What happened after that?”
Answer: “Fallen angels did what they tried to do to Abraham and his family, 4,000 years ago: ‘Devouring the souls they keep from God by only allowing them to feed at the breasts of Artemis.”
During ‘The Thousand Year Reign’ between 500 and 1,500 AD, The Catholic Church spread around the world. Around 1,500 AD, the fallen angels who had ruled Babylon by denying sustenance to those who would not feed at the breasts of Artemis, each of which always symbolizes a government bureau, returned with The Profiteers of Protestantism.
Question 7: “Is there any cure for those who claim: ‘We know more than He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies about His Church-Creating Word to The First Catholic Pope: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.?”
Answer: “Every person on earth may ask God to help them open their ‘Jesus Receivers’, obey His Church-Creating Word, and joyfully spend their lives getting ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’”
Today’s Simple Rhyme: “May my soul’s beginning have no end / With Jesus and His Blessed friends.”