If you were Catholic, you’d be richer!


Catholics share this truth:  If you were Catholic, you’d be richer!  And, the world would be a better place.

A typical area will often have one Catholic Church and almost a dozen non-Catholic congregations.   Let’s estimate 10 non-Catholic churches in an area.  Most will cost at least $120,000.00 a year to run.   Many have an average of 100 donating members.  Donations need to average $23.00/week to get the $120,000 a year to run an average smaller church.

What is the “lifetime cost” of being in small, high-expense denomination?   Each person spends $62,500 over fifty years.  Each couple would have spent $125,000.00!

Compare costs:  one Catholic Church can serve those thousand people for $320,000.00/year.   Each person would need to put in 6.00 a week, or $320/year.    One thousand Catholics putting in $$320.00 a year covers the expenses.  What’s the “lifetime cost” of being Catholic?  In fifty years of donations, $320.00/year times 50 years equals $16,000.00 from each Catholic donor.

The “lifetime savings” for each Catholic is $46,500.00 over fifty years!  If each Catholic put that $18.00 a week savings in a 5% savings plan, each would have about about $150,000.00 in fifty years!  If the thousand Protestants had been Catholic, their collective savings would have $150,000 times 1,000 people.  The local Protestant community could be almost one hundred and fifty million dollars richer if they had been Catholic and invested the money they saved!

The Catholic Church offers far greater advantages than financial gain.  The Faith Handed Down From The Apostles has not changed its Doctrine in 2,000 years.  There is no confusion.  There is no conflict.  Clear guidelines are provided from the moment of conception to natural death.  That unity would elect pro-life legislators.  The world would be a better place.

As John 20:21 and Mt. 16: 18-20 make clear, Catholic priests are ordained with the power to forgive sins.  That lets obedient Catholics be able to receive the Actual Blood and Body of Christ in every Catholic Mass following The Last Supper.

Those forgiven may then obey the clear call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated EIGHTEEN TIMES:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

It pays to be Catholic, in this life and the next!
