Catholicism is “The elephant in the room.”


Protestant Denominations compete for donors.   And, they must deal with”the elephant in the room”.  Protestantism loses its best and brightest to The Only Church Jesus Founded.  Catholicism is “The elephant in the room.”

No one can contradict the connection between Christ and The Catholic Church.  It is hard for their Marketing Experts/Theologians  to get around “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

How can Protestantism keep people from asking:  “Aren’t I better off in The Only Church Jesus Founded on a “rock”?  Isn’t it better to be in The Only Church He promised “hell shall not prevail against it”?   Can my immortal soul get into Heaven without access to “the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven”?

Marketing Plan Denominations can’t contradict that.  What do they do?   They change the subject!  They endlessly ask, over and over and over, “What does ‘rock’ really mean?”

They go on and on and on with “Rock Dialogues”.   They drink deeply from the Spring of Silliness and recite many, many meanings of “rock” in lots of languages.   Most people get so tired of endless “Rock Dialogues” that they shrug and put more money in the plate to end them.

Recently, a new way to avoid The Only Church Jesus Founded was discovered.  People are told:   “When Jesus said ‘Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church.’, He was pointing to Himself!”  The silliness continues:    “When Jesus said, “I give you (Peter) the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”, this latest avoidance of Catholicism insists, “Jesus was giving the keys to Himself!”

Consider the moral and intellectual ability of those who say and believe such  ridiculous things.    It is clear.  Catholicism is “The elephant in the room.”

The elephant just got bigger!
