Catholicism is wisest and safest

For thousands of years before Jesus, Hebrew prophets received and recorded over three hundred messages from God about the future. Their prophecies were faithfully written, copied, and spread throughout Jewish synagogues. Some of the prophecies predicted the place, time, and family of The Messiah.

The Messiah arrived at the appointed time and place.  He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies gave us all the information necessary for each human to make the necessary choices to be saved.

He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies founded One Church. In Mt. 16: 18-20, He Decreed: “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you The Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Since those “keys” were only given to The Only Church Jesus Founded, His Church the most important thing on earth.

Each human soul chooses to move toward or away from The Only Church Founded by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies. Each soul goes to Judgment and, then, to its permanent home.

At Judgment, each soul is compared with what it might have been . Souls who have chosen to be weakened by demons of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth are sent to hell, where they are tormented forever.

Others have wisely chosen to move toward The Only Church Founded by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies. Those blessed with His Mercy by being judged “Close enough.” will leave the cloud of living souls and get to Heaven.

Since souls shriveled, shrunken, and stained by sin are lost to endless pain, Catholicism is wisest and safest of all the choices there are.

It is best to be in The Only Church Founded by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies. So, what’s holding you back?
