Catholics answer: “What is the world’s biggest problem in five words?”

Question 1: “What is the world’s biggest problem?”

Answer: “The world’s biggest problem is: ‘Lack of love for life.'”


Question 2: “Where do we find ‘love for life’?”

Answer: “From He Who gave His Life for us! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 3: “If I love my own life, do I need the ‘keys’ to eternal life in Heaven?”

Answer: “We know! No one can get into Heaven without ‘the keys’! If we love our life, we want to have eternal joy! That is why we must not willfully disobey Any Teaching of He Who has ‘the keys’!”


Question 4: “I do love my life! So, I want those ‘keys’! Do I need to be Catholic?”

Answer: The Catholic Church provides This Teaching: “People of good will may be saved if they are not Catholic through no fault of their own.”


Question 5: “That’s serious! If I don’t know enough about The Catholic Church to be Catholic, can my soul have those ‘keys’?”

Answer: “This is where things get tricky! If we willfully choose to not know about The Only Church Spoken Into Being by That Word of Jesus, then we cannot say: ‘But, I didn’t know!’ when we stand before Him at Judgment.”


Question 6: “That’s a very high standard! We see a cross with Jesus Crucified on it in every Catholic Church. We also know The Word with Which He Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being. How can anyone not be led Catholic?”

Answer: “Vanity and Sloth keep many away from ‘the keys’.”


Question 7: What problems in life would be solved if Catholic Teaching were followed?”

Answer: “If all denominations would have continued so support Catholic Teaching, billions of unborn children would not have lost their lives to chemicals, implants, and abortion.


Question 8: What Catholic Teaching is that?”

Answer: ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 9: “Would the life of families and children be better if Catholic Teachings on Marriage were still followed by all Christian denominations?”

Answer: “Life is hard for families broken by easy divorces and remarriages. Protestant teachings on marriage allowed easy, ‘no-fault divorce’ divorce to become law in formerly Catholic nations. Over half of all marriages now end in divorce.”


Question 10: Is the Catholic Church in favor of life, families, and freedom?”

Answer: The Catholic Church has no lack of love for life!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
