Catholics answer: “Why do Willful Protestants avoid Mary?”

Catholics pray: “May every person on earth be blessed to see The Power of God in The Blessed Mother.”

Question 1: “It is a mystery! Why do Willful Protestants avoid thinking about Mary?”

Answer: “They do not see the simple fact! God used His Power to Create The Most Perfect Creature in Creation!”


Question 2: “How Perfect is Mary?”

Answer: “By God’s Power, Mary was conceived without The Original Sin that corrupts the rest of us. She was formed with Such Perfection that every electron of every atom of every molecule was in God’s Perfect Order!”


Question 3: “That is a Miracle! Were the trillions of sub-atomic particles that made Mary each perfect in substance and position?”

Answer: “Yes! That’s why Catholics call The Conception of Mary ‘The Immaculate Conception’. She became The Perfection of God in human form on earth.”


Question 4: “Is Mary The Most Perfect Creature in Creation?”

Answer: “Not one other person in History was told this by God’s Angel in Luke 1, 26-38! ‘Hail (Mary) Full of Grace, blessed are you among women . . The Holy Spirit of God will be The Father of your Son.’


Question 5: “Is Mary worshiped?”

Answer: “Never! She is respected, adored, and revered as God’s Most Perfect Creation by everyone blessed to see the facts about Her.”


Question 6: “Why don’t all Christians believe in The Immaculate Conception of Mary?”

Answer: There are three reasons: 1. Some do not think God has The Power to do that. 2. Many do not think He would bother. 3. Other Willful Protestants are too vain to believe that another human being could be that much better than they are!”


Question 7: “Does celebrating The Immaculate Conception separate those who see God’s Power from those who do not?”

Answer: “Yes. Catholics know that God never lies! So, they know! Mary is ‘full of Grace’. There can be no room in Her for any error of any kind!”


Question 8: “Do those with the clearest view of God’s Power see that He can make a Perfect Human Being and that He did?”

Answer: “May all eyes let in the light to see The Power of God that took form in His Blessed Mother!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
