Catholics appreciate Catholic Saints more than Protestants. #19.

Saint Faustina told us to “Trust in Jesus”.  May we all be blessed to see what she saw at one person’s Judgment.


Question 1:  “Why don’t Protestants appreciate Words from Catholic Saints?”

Answer:  “Many Victims of Protestantism are taught:  “We are Saints!  God has to let us into Heaven!”


Question 2:   “Would Victims of Protestantism appreciate what St. Faustina saw at The Judgment of a soul?”

Answer:  “Some of them will!   The Diary of St. Faustina” (#425) tells us Jesus let her watch what happened at The Judgment of One Soul!

“Then I saw a soul which was being separated from its body amid great torment.  O Jesus, as I am about to write this, I tremble at the sight of the horrible things that bear witness against him. . . .

I saw the souls of little children and those of older ones, about nine years of age, emerging from some kind of muddy abyss. The souls were foul and disgusting, resembling the most terrible monsters and decaying corpses.  But the corpses were living and gave loud testimony against the dying soul. 

And the soul I saw dying was full of the world’s applause and honors, at the end of which are emptiness and sin.  Finally, a woman came out who was holding something like tears in her apron, and she witnesses very strongly against him.”

Then, in #426, St. Faustina continues:  “O terrible hour at which one is obliged to see all one’s deeds in their nakedness and misery;  not one of them is lost, they will all accompany us to God’s Judgment.”

(There is a free link to “The Diary of St. Faustina” if we scroll down from the bottom of this page.)


Question 2:  “Why don’t Victims of Protestantism want to accept what St. Faustina saw as she watched what souls at God’s Judgment have to face?”

Answer:  “Many Profiteers of Protestantism do not want to lose donations by supporting This Catholic Teaching:  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’

Protestant Denominations provided That Catholic Teaching until it began to drive donors away.   Then, most Profiteers of Protestantism stopped providing That Catholic Teaching.

They do not want St. Faustina reminding them that billions of “accusing souls” are waiting to “give testimony” against them for not telling them ‘We all must protect life from conception until natural death’.”


Question 4: ” What should both Profiteers and Victims of Protestantism do?”

Answer:  “They should seek Absolution from a Catholic priest!  They are only people on earth who are specifically given This Power by Jesus Christ in John 20:23:  ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’


Question 5:  “Don’t they have to be Catholic before a Catholic priest can forgive their sins?”

Answer:  “Sadly, some people decide:  “I would rather go to hell than be Catholic.”  They choose to be Victims of Protestantism.


Question 6:  “Is there anything sadder on earth?”


