Catholics are able to see facts about Judgment.

Catholics are able to see facts about Judgment. When we go to Judgment, “The Book of Life” is opened. We will see every sin we have committed that has not been forgiven!

Who on earth has The Power to Forgive sins? He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies gave Catholic priests The Power to forgive sins! This Word of Jesus Christ is clear! “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”


What is one of the worst sins we may commit? Taking life from another human being.

When does human life begin? At conception. The Church Spoken Into Being by Jesus tells us that! “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.” Most of us do not fully understand the simple fact! “Life begins at conception.”

Many use chemicals that take life on earth away from their unborn babies. Some of them are no bigger than a grain of salt! They are smaller than the “dot” below this exclamation point! Each of us was once no bigger than a distant star. Our soul still is!


The question must be considered! “What happens to the souls of those who have brought death to their unborn children?”

There are two kinds of sin: Willful and accidental. Those who do not understand what they have done may be forgiven. “may” is the important word.

Others know! “I am willfully and knowingly choosing to destroy a human life.”

Many choose to not think about that. That magnifies the sin!


We may think of our own, tiny soul. It is a tiny spark, about the size of a distant star. When we go to Judgment, our soul will be surrounded by all the souls whose lives we ended on earth. They shine like “little stars” in Heaven.

Those who know that Every Teaching of Jesus Christ is Truth will find a Catholic priest. May all be blessed to Confess our sins. May all be blessed to receive Absolution from the only people on earth to whom Jesus Christ gave that power.

Catholics are able to see facts about Judgment.

We see that we will have countless “little stars” sitting on our jury at Judgment. Is there a better reason to do what is necessary to make a good Confession?

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Reasons to be Catholic.
