Catholics are able to see The Loving Programmer Who is God. 2/10/25

Catholics see what Protestants do not:  God downloaded The Binary System that lets computers work.

Catholics see what Protestants do not:  God downloaded The Binary System that lets computers work.


Question 1:  “What lets Catholics know that God began Programming 13 trillion light years ago when He said ‘Let there be light’, described in Genesis 1:1-19?”

Answer:  The First Binary System is described!  ‘God then separated the light from the darkness.’  From that point on, every part of every thing is either on’ or ‘off’.”


Question 2:  “What did God program and download after that?”

Answer:  “375,000 Plant Programs were turned ‘on’ to grow produce ‘seeds’ so their programs could be ‘self-replicated’.”


Question 3:  “What happened in God’s next Programming Session?”

Answer: “He programmed and downloaded ‘lights in the dome of the sky.’  They were turned ‘on’ to shed light upon the earth to ‘separate light from darkness.’ ”


Question 5: “What about the sun and moon?”

Answer:  “They were downloaded ‘to govern the day and night’ so people could have light to see His Light is always ‘on’.  All could know The Binary Foundation of what The Loving Programmer had written and downloaded in His Creation Program.”


Question 4: “What did God do after writing and downloading programs for everything else in The Creation Program?”

Answer:  “He took clay, halfway between liquids and solids in The Creation Program, molded  The Adam Program, and turned it ‘on’.”


Question 5:  “What was the point?”

Answer:  “God downloaded Human Programs to separate the souls of everyone on earth. Souls in those who love God enough to obey Him are ‘on’.  Souls of those who worship any programmed things, including themselves, are ‘off’.”


Question 6:  “Who loves God the most?”

Answer: “Every Catholic on earth knows:  ‘I am not smart enough to write or fully understand The Creation Program!  But, if I worship The God Who Is, He will welcome my immortal soul into Heaven.’


Question 7:  “How are a billion Catholic souls different from the 7 billion other souls on earth?”

Answer:  “We most meaningfully believe over 300 Bible Prophecies that predicted The Loving Programmer would take Human Form in Bethlehem.  We realize that He came to earth to divide all humanity into two groups:  those who turn their souls ‘on’ and those who turn their souls ‘off’.”


Question 8:  “Which group are Catholics in?”

Answer:  “We are the Human Programs who best obey The Church-Creating Word Spoken by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies to His First Catholic Pope.  Our souls are turned ‘on’ enough to get these ‘keys’:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Today’s Simple Rhyme:  “In every age, the greatest loss? / Souls who put God on a cross.”


