Catholics are blessed to use more of our Brain.

God is Good!  God is Great!  God made us!  And, God made our Brain.  The human Brain is big enough to let us Know Him!

Catholics are blessed to use more of our Brain.  Protestants choose to use a smaller part of their Brain.

That part of The Protestant Brain is big enough to recognize some facts.  Protestants are able to memorize and recite some Words of Jesus.

Protestants enjoy telling people:  “Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life. . .”

Protestants also love to repeat:  “I believe in Jesus so I am going to Heaven!”

Vanity keeps the Protestant Spirit out of the rest of their Brain!  This Catholic Fact is somewhere in every Protestant Brain:

“Every Word of Jesus is Truth.”


Protestants keep their Spirit away from That Catholic Fact!  Protestants don’t want to open up more of their Brain.   They do not want to understand the simple reality:  “Every Word of Jesus is Truth!”

This Word of Jesus is somewhere inside every Protestant Brain:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

When a Protestant Spirit finds That Word of Jesus in its Brain, what does it do?

It runs and hides!

Those who willfully and knowingly disobey That Word of Jesus lose the most important thing on earth!  They have rejected the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus left on earth!

The Protestant Spirit does not let their Brain tell them about the Most Important Word on Earth!   “If I disobey That Word of Jesus, I reject the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ He left on earth!”


Many Protestants get angry when the importance of Obeying Every Word of Jesus is explained.  “Jesus has to let me into Heaven!  He has to!”

They find comfort from other Protestants!  All the self-centered people on earth praise each other for disobeying That Word of Jesus.


We pray that Protestants are blessed to use more of their Brain.  Then, they will understand this Catholic Fact:

“Every Word of Jesus Is Truth.”

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