Catholics are blessed with simple minds!

Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s plays. This passage is in Act II, Scene II. “What do you read My Lord?” “Words! Words! Words!”

Catholics are blessed with simple minds! We know there are only two kinds of “Words”.

God Spoke Creation into Being with His Words. People speak about God’s Words with our words.

Every Catholic knows! These 13 words sums up reality! “All human words describe things and movements Spoken Into Being by God’s Words.”


A thousand years before Shakespeare, St. Isidore of Seville told us what “Words” are. “Books are made out of words. Words are made out of letters. Letters are made out of lines. Those lines are either curved or straight.”

What a brilliant Saint! What a simple-minded understanding!

The letter “T” is made of two straight lines. The letter “O” is made of one curved line. Letters like “B” and “P”, are made of both straight and curved lines.

Catholics are blessed with simple minds! We see that all the reality that we take into our minds by reading is made of words. All those words are made with tiny lines! They are either curved or straight!

It’s as simple as that!


Jesus Christ is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity. Every Word of Jesus Christ is a Word of God! Jesus Christ came to earth in Fulfillment of Prophecies.

He Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being with His Word!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Then, Jesus Christ gave The Catholic Church The Power! The Only Church Jesus Christ Spoke Into Being was empowered to speak “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” into Being! Each of These Words is an echo of The Words of Jesus Christ to every generation!

“Baptism”. “Confession/Absolution”. “First Communion”. “Confirmation.” “Marriage”. “Holy Orders”. “The Last Rites”.

Catholics are blessed with simple minds! We guide our lives by Every Word of Jesus Christ! His Church echoes His Words through the ages!

His Words become Teachings. His Teachings become our “commands”.

Catholics are blessed with simple minds! We want to go to Judgment and be among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

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