Catholics ask: Do six agonizing words echo forever in hell?

. Catholics consider Six Eternal Words, three from hell and Three from Heaven.

Question 1: “What is hell?”

Answer: “Hell is the place of eternal punishment. The souls of those who chose to die in willful disobedience to Teachings of God are sent there, forever.”


Question 2: “How are they punished?”

Answer: “Many punishments are described in Dante’s Inferno! After The Bible, it is the best-selling book in History. It tells about who goes to hell and what happens to their souls, forever!”


Question 3: “I have heard of Dante’s Inferno. Is it easy to read?”

Answer: “A good Translation will have footnotes that explain passages that scholars have studied for 700 years!”


Question 4: “Is there an easier way to understand hell?”

Answer: “Eternity’s greatest punishment for the disobedient may be demons endlessly screeching Three Words into their soul! ‘Hah-hah! Fooled you!’


Question 5: “That’s an interesting thought! Do souls guilty of greater sins hear ‘Hah-hah! Fooled you!’ more loudly?”

Answer: “Yes! The farther down in hell a soul is sent, louder demons eternally scream ‘Hah-hah! Fooled you!’ into their souls.”


Question 6: “Is there any other punishment received by the souls in hell?”

Answer: “Another punishment is possible.”


Question 7: “What could the ‘other punishment’ be?”

Answer: “Souls in Heaven may look down through the ‘diamond windows’ in the wall of The City of God. They may watch the souls in hell receiving God’s Justice forever.”


Question 8 “What words could souls in hell hear from those in The City of God?”

Answer: “God’s Holy people look down at souls being punished. They may whisper Three Words: ‘Serves you right.’


Question 9: “Having to hear whispers of ‘Serves you right.’ would magnify the pain that willfully disobedient souls feel between screams of ‘Hah-hah! Fooled you!’ So! How can I keep my soul out of hell?”

Answer: “May every person on earth be blessed to do whatever is necessary to get the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven‘. They are The Holy Sacraments that Jesus Christ left on earth to let us into Heaven!

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

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