Catholics become “Abraham’s Relatives” in the truest sense of The Word!

God put the world in His Order before “The Word of God” came to earth in Human Form.

1. God put greater intelligence into the DNA molecules of Abraham’s ancestors. “Abraham’s Relatives” were so intelligent they took vast areas away from earlier peoples.

2. God gave some of Abraham’s Relatives in Chaldea the gift of “Science”. They passed on knowledge about the complexity of Creation. They became smart enough to predict solar and lunar eclipses! Clay tablets of astronomical records go to the time of Abraham’s ancestors.

3. “Logic” was formalized by “Abraham’s Relatives” in Greece and Western Turkey. Alexander learned “Logic” from one of “Abraham’s Relatives” named Aristotle! Alexander was the triumph of “Logic” over nations ruled by the less Logical of “Abraham’s Relatives”!

4. Nearly 2,000 years before Alexander, God had blessed Abraham with the intelligence to understand the importance of Obeying God. That “Mental DNA” improves the intelligence all who put their thoughts, words, and deeds in line with Every Word of God.

Abraham, himself, was given the greatest of all gifts: “Obedience to God.” Abraham proved that by his willingness to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac.


God blessed The World with Intelligence, Logic, Science, and Obedience. Then, He brought them all together!

He used Aristotle to teach Alexander “Logic”. He immediately used Alexander to outsmart and defeat every Ruler he met! Alexander died. His Empire was broken up and ruled by Greek generals.

God used those Greek Kingdoms to set up schools for the most intelligent children. A dozen generations of Semitic children were forced to attend Greek schools. They all made to learn “Logic”. That reinforced The Importance of Abraham’s “Obedience”!


Then! The world was In Order!

Then! “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us!”


Groups of “Abraham’s Relatives “ came together in Bethlehem! His Chaldean Relatives were Astronomers. Those “Wise Men” were drawn to Israel by The Science of how stars and planets were moving in the sky! They were led specifically to Bethlehem by The Word of God in Micah 5, 1-2.

Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem. Why? The government of The Roman Emperor, “Abraham’s Relative”, Augustus, was moved by political “Logic” to call for a census.

Jewish shepherds arrived because they saw “the light”!

The demons of evil got there too late, and killed every young boy in Bethlehem!


St. Peter was the first of “Abraham’s Relatives” to recognize that Jesus Christ is “The Word of God”! That is why The Word of God Spoke This Church-Founding Word of God to him!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

In every following generation, all of “Abraham’s Relatives”, whether black, white, red, brown, or yellow have understood This Fact:

“Every Word of Jesus Is A Truth We Must Obey”!

Our obedience to “Every Word of God” proves that every Catholic is blessed to be one of “Abraham’s Relatives”!


The only logical answer explodes in every Catholic brain! We obey The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated fourteen times!

“If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

God’s Holy Photons in The Body and Blood of Christ have changed our DNA! That’s how Catholics become “Abraham’s Relatives” in the truest sense of The Word!

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