Catholics are blessed with understanding:

Catholics are blessed with understanding:  There are two kinds of people in The Big Movie.  Catholics love and obey God.  We love our neighbors.  Others choose to hate God and their neighbors.  They strive to tax, enslave, jail, confuse, corrupt, or kill those around them.

Catholics are blessed with understanding:  Each soul came into being at conception.  Each soul is made in “the image of God”.  We know that God wrote and downloaded The Creation Program.  We see it as The Big Movie.  Each soul writes and downloads its human program around it.  The spirit, mind, and body that each soul downloads around itself will pass away, as will The Creation Program.

Catholics are blessed with understanding:  God wants souls to be with Him, eternally joyful in Heaven.  The devil wants every soul to be tortured for eternity.  We spend our time on earth as actors in The Big Movie.  The set decorations and props are very complicated.  They let those who worship themselves find reasons to do so.

In every age, those who repeat popular delusions about the set decorations and stage props are thought to be “intellectual”.   Many find employment by repeating reasons to take set decorations and stage props more seriously than their immortal soul.

Catholics are blessed with understanding:  We know that when our performance in The Big Movie is over, every soul will go to Judgment.

He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies said “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”  He Who will judge each soul Founded One Church.  He said, clearly:   “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Those who obey respect the clear call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated fourteen times:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  It is a “key to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics are blessed with understanding:  when our souls leave our body they will be judged and sentenced.   Obedient Catholics have the best chance of getting into Heaven.
