Catholics connect Creation and Copernicus.

Catholics connect Creation and Copernicus.   Nearly two thousand years before Copernicus, two intelligent Greeks made a discovery.   “The earth revolves  around the sun.”

Aristarchus believed the earth revolved around the sun.   A century later, Selecus agreed.  Plato and Aristotle did not!

Pliny the Elder went beyond that.  He considered an amazing possibility.  The earth had been replaced from its primary position.  The sun had become the center of the solar system.


Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that The Garden of Eden was “God’s Laboratory”.  That’s where He downloaded all living creatures to show His angels how things would work together.

In those early days, a chariot was driven by Lucifer, the “light bearer”.  His chariot pulled a ball of fire across the sky.  It gave light to God’s Creation.

Then, Adam and Eve disobeyed God.  They were thrown out of The Garden.     The chariot still pulled the ball of fire.  It gave birth to many, many myths.


As people spread over the earth, God automated the process.  A moon-sized ball of fire was made to revolve around the earth.

No more chariot!  No more charioteer!  No more applause from admiring people!  Lucifer was out of a job!  He’s still mad at God!


God knew people would soon be inventing telescopes.  To give them free will, He turned things around.  He had the earth begin to revolve around the sun.   No one could prove that God had put it all together.

He gave us free will.  No one could be forced to believe in Him by merely thinking.


By 1,500 AD, Copernicus was working!  Catholics connect Creation and Copernicus.  Copernicus was a brilliant Catholic with a telescope!   He was a genius in science, medicine, and politics.  He showed that the earth revolved around the sun.

Copernicus understood a little more of what God had done.

Catholics connect Creation and Copernicus.

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