Catholics “connect these dots”: “Many” is NOT “All”.

Catholics are blessed to “connect the dots” that “connect” our souls to The City of God described in Rev. 21, 1-8.

Catholics are blessed to “connect the dots” that “connect” our souls to The City of God described in Rev. 21, 1-8.


Question 1:  “Why do Catholics ‘connect the dots’ well enough to know that ‘many’ is not ‘all’ in Today’s Catholic Reading?”

Answer:  “Catholics understand details in the short Passage from Jesus in Mk 10:45:  ‘The Son of Man came to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.’ “


Question 2:  “What does that simple Bible Passage help Catholics understand?”

Answer:  “We see that The Bible does not tell us that Jesus ‘gave His life as a ransom for ‘all’!


Question 3:  “Who are the ‘many’ whom Jesus came to ‘serve’  and ‘ransom’ by ‘giving’ His ‘life’?”

Answer:  “They are among the ‘many’ people whom Jesus specifically described in John 15:14: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 4:   “Are Profiteers of Protestantism wrong to tell donors that Jesus must let ‘all’ who say: ‘I believe in Jesus!‘ into Heaven?

Answer:  “Catholics ‘connect the dots’ well enough to know that merely saying ‘I believe in Jesus!’ is not enough to get our soul into Heaven.”


Question 5:  “What ‘dots’ do Catholics ‘connect’?”

Answer:  “Catholics ‘connect the dots’ between The Only Church Spoken Into Being by This Word of Jesus TO Peter, The First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’. 

Then, Catholics connect those ‘two dots’  to the ‘four dots’ of our thoughts, prayers, words, and actions.”


Question 6:  “If we think we know more than Jesus about which Church He gave ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’, are we among His ‘obedient friends’?

Answer:  “The saddest souls in all Creation might be those who knowingly and willfully chose to reject ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that His many obedient friends’ would rather die than lose.”


Catholics ‘connect the dots’ that can ‘connect’ our soul to Heaven.

