Catholics connect: Twelve Tribes; Twelve Gates of Heaven; Twelve Judges.

The Bible tells us there are 12 Gates to Heaven. One Gate is for each Tribe of Israel. How can Catholics be in one of those Tribes?


Question 1: “How do we know there are Twelve Gates to Heaven?”

Answer: “The Bible tells us in Rev 21:12 and 21.”


Question 2: “Why are there Twelve Gates instead of One?”

Answer: “There is One Gate for each of The Twelve Tribes of Israel. Each Tribe of Asher, Dan, Ephraim, Gad, Issachar, Levi, Manasseh, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun, Judah and Benjamin has their own Gate.”


Question 3: “Is that in The Bible?”

Answer: “Rev. 21:12 tells us there are Twelve Gates of Heaven and that each one of them is named for one of the Tribes.”


Question 3: “How is it possible for Catholics today to be in One of those Twelve Tribes from 3-4,000 years ago?”

Answer: “God’s Tribes are no longer identified by DNA inherited from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Tribe every Catholic is in depends on the specific and unique changes in the atoms that make up our DNA.”


Question 4: “Does The Bible tell us that people in Heaven will be rewarded for obeying God?”

Answer: Those who win the most wars with temptation are most honored in Heaven! Revelation 3:12: ‘To those who prove victorious I will make into pillars in The Sanctuary of My God, and they will stay there forever.’


Question 5: “Does God specifically identify them in Heaven?”

Answer: “‘I will inscribe on them the Name of My God and the Name of the City of My God, the New Jerusalem which comes down from My God in Heaven, and My Own Name as well.’


Question 6: “Which Tribe is The Most Important?”

Answer: “The Tribe of Levi. Those in his Tribe defended God’s Word. They did not get an apportionment of land. They were given a few towns and the right to receive donations from the other Tribes.”


Question 7: “Who is The Tribe of Levi, today?”

Answer: “Catholic priests and religious. We know what they do! Catholics in Levi’s Tribe today take Vows of Poverty, Celibacy, and Obedience. They have been God’s Most Important Tribe On Earth for the past 2,000 years.”


Question 8: “Will each of The Twelve Tribes have its own Judge in Heaven?”

Answer: “Jesus made that very clear in Mt. 19:28! ‘Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you (The Twelve Disciples, His First Catholic Bishops!) who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’


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