Catholics consider a puzzling Passage in Revelation.

The Book of Revelation tells us that Creation comes to an end. Rev 20: 13 is mystifying. “The sea gave up all the dead who were in it; Death and Hades were emptied of the dead that were in them; and everyone was judged according to the way they had lived.”

First, “The sea gave up all the dead who were in it;. . “


Who are they? Only a tiny fraction of all the dead lost their lives by drowning in “the sea”. Out of the hundred billion people who have ever lived, less than a million or so were drowned in “the sea”.

Why are the dead from “the sea” the first to be called from the hundred billion who have died?


Our age gives us an answer. Billions of tiny babies have been killed by birth control chemicals, pills, and implants. Shortly after they are conceived, they are as small as a grain of salt.

Each of us was once that small.

They are killed by chemicals, pills, and implants. Their tiny bodies are eliminated from the bodies of their mothers. They are flushed down toilets. Water flows downhill.

They end up in “the sea”.


Those deaths were inflicted because we did not know or we did not care. We never thought of them as “people”. They were in our way. We flushed them away.

Are they the first to be called to Judgment so they may testify against us?

We violated Catholic Teaching: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”


What are we to do? First, we must be honest enough to understand and admit what we have done.

Then, we must seek forgiveness.

Jesus did give Catholic priests this power: “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”


If we wish to be forgiven for the deadly sins we have committed, we must do whatever is necessary to make a good Confession. We must receive Absolution from the only people God empowered to provide it.

We must not hide from our sins.

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