Catholics find happiness by looking at our fingers.

. An easy way to be happy is to open our eyes and look at our fingers.


Question 1: “What am I?”

Answer: “An immortal soul living in a mind and body.”


Question 2: “Where did I come from?”

Answer: “At conception, parts of our parents’ DNA came together to make us.”


Question 3: “Why?”

Answer: “God gave us His Gift of life.”


Question 4: “What should we do with His Gift of Life?”

Answer: “We should tell Him ‘Thank you’.”


Question 5: “When should we tell Him ‘Thank You.’?”

Answer: “Every time we see something interesting, we should say ‘Thank You.’ to God.”


Question 6: “Should we go through life saying ‘Thank You!’ to God?”

Answer: “As we become more grateful to God, we learn more about Him. We realize that His Son fulfilled Prophecies. He gave His life so that our immortal souls could have eternal joy in Heaven. That is why the happiest people are the most thankful.”


Question 7: “Why don’t unhappy people say ‘Thank You.’ to God?”

Answer: “They are angry at God because He did not give them more.”


Question 8: “Can unhappy people be cured?”

Answer: “They can look closely at the back of their hand. Then, at one finger. Then, at the skin around a knuckle. They can bend their finger while they look at the skin around the knuckle. The more they think about what they are seeing, the more likely it is that they will say ‘Thank You, God.’ every time they look at every detail of His Creation.


Question 9: “Is that all we need to be happy?”

Answer: “When we realize that we can think about what we are seeing, we become even happier. That happiness grows when we are grateful enough to see our finger make The Sign of The Cross.”


Question 10: “Where do we find the greatest happiness on earth?”

Answer: “The greatest happiness comes from getting these ‘keys’ from God. ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’


Question 11: “How does that make us happy?”

Answer: “Catholics can watch our fingers pick up The Body of Christ at Communion and put That Holy Food into our mouth. Happiness is being One with God.

Catholics are the happiest people on earth.”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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