Catholics get beyond the semi-colon;

We see the difference between Catholics and Protestants in one Bible passage.

John 3:36 is clear. “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; . . .” Most Protestants have memorized that passage. Protestants quote that passage over and over and over!

Catholics are more logical. We say to ourselves: “That passage ends with a semi-colon; ! What comes after the ; ?”

Catholics get beyond the semi-colon; “. . . whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but must endure God’s wrath.”

When Catholics get beyond the semi-colon; we know that willful disobedience must cause “God’s wrath” to fall upon us!


Protestantism willfully chooses to not get beyond the semi-colon; !

What do we learn from Protestantism’s refusal to consider the consequences of willful disobedience?

We learn that Protestantism is a rejection of obedience. Protestants choose be trapped behind the semi-colon! That is a conscious, willful choice. “I will not let myself learn that I must do more than “believe”. I will not let myself understand that I must obey!”


Logic tells us that we must both believe and obey Jesus! Catholics listen to Logic’s Seven Simple Steps.


1. Jesus Fulfilled The Prophecies.

2. Jesus is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity.

3. Jesus is God.

4. God is always right.

5. If we willfully disobey God, we are doing something wrong.

6. If we choose to do what God says is wrong, we have to “endure the wrath of God”.

7. The more willfully we disobey Jesus, the wronger we are! The more of His “wrath” we must “endure”.


That is simple for Catholics! It is very hard for Protestants. Their minds are confused by Protestantism’s Institutionalized Vanity; “I am a good person. Jesus has to let me into Heaven.”

That makes it hard for them to get beyond the semi-colon and realize; “. . . whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but must endure God’s wrath.”

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