Catholics know 2 things! “Jesus is God. I am not.”

.                Catholics see an amazing fact!   Computers help us understand The Holy Trinity and Catholic Sacraments!


Question 1:  “Why do all Catholics, and most Christians, believe ‘Jesus is God’?”

Answer:  “The first 300 years of The Catholic Church were spent thinking about Jesus.  Catholic Saints and Scholars put what was Revealed to them into Words!  ‘The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are Three Persons in One God.’


Question 2:  “Does that mean Every Word of Jesus is a Word from God?”

Answer:  “Jesus was very clear in John 10:30!  ‘I and The Father are One.’


Question 3:  “Who is The Holy Spirit?”

Answer:  “Catholics think about Him in computer terms!  Every computer Program has a Programmer.   Every Program takes form because of Programming!  The Holy Spirit is ‘Programming’!”


Question 5:  “Why should we consider The Father as ‘The Programmer’;  The Holy Spirit as ‘Programming’;  and The Son as ‘The Program’?”

Answer:  “That helps us understand The Power of The God Who made us in His image!”


Question 6:  “Does the fact that we are able to write and download computer programs prove that we are ‘made in the image of God’.”

Answer:  “When some computer programs are connected to 3-D printers, those programs create actual things!”


Question 7:  “What keeps many people from believing that God Programmed all Creation into Being?”

Answer:  “His Creation Program is huge, old, and complicated!  It is hard for many to realize, ‘Galaxies, stars, planets, cells, molecules, atoms, electrons, photons, quarks, and Higgs Bosons have been spreading out for over 8 billion years.’   God has Power that makes Him ‘unbelievable’ to many people.”


Question 8:  “Why did God go to all that trouble?”

Answer:  “It is how He gave every person on earth Free Will!   We are all free to look at The Creation Program and read The Prophecies of The Old Testament.  We may choose to see that God came to earth and died so that we could choose to have our souls live with Him, in Heaven, forever.”


Question 9:  “Did God give us a way to get our souls to Heaven?”

Answer:  “God let us be free to obey or to disobey Two Words!”


Question 10:  “What are those ‘Two Words’?”

Answer:  “‘Be Catholic!’


Question 11:  “Why is it important to ‘Be Catholic!’?”

Answer:  “Only Catholics get these ‘keys’ from God ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’

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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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