Catholics know a lot about prayers.

Catholics know that our prayers are no bigger than ‘holy photons’. Saints help get them to Jesus!

Question 1. “What happens when we pray?”

Answer: “We send a message to God.”


Question 2: “God is far away. How can He hear us?”

Answer: “Words change into energy when they are spoken. The energy turns back into words in the mind of the hearer.”


Question 3: “How do our messages get to God?”

Answer: “Our prayers go through time and space to Heaven.”


Question 4: “Where do prayers come from?”

Answer: “They are broadcast from our soul.”


Question 5: “How does our soul broadcast?”

Answer: “Our soul is ‘made in the image of God’. It sends messages to Him with ‘Prayer Photons’.”


Question 6: “How fast do ‘Prayer Photons’ go?”

Answer: “They may travel faster than the speed of light.”


Question 7: “What happens to our prayers when they arrive in Heaven?”

Answer: “Our ‘Prayer Photons’ go to ‘God’s Prayer Center’. Four ‘beings’ with ‘eyes all around’ live on God’s huge storage disc. They sort them out.”


Question 8: “What happens when we ask a Saint to take our prayer to God?”

Answer: “His Saints have specialties. Some Saints handle prayers for body parts. Other Holy Specialists handle prayers for family issues. Saintly Specialists make Prayer Processing go faster.”


Question 9: “What if we don’t know which Saint to ask for Intercession?”

Answer: “When we don’t know which Saint to ask, Catholics ask St. Mary. She loves us the same way She loved Baby Jesus when He was on earth. She loves to help Her children get their prayers answered.”


Question 10: What is a good prayer to send to Mary?”

Answer: “Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with Thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.”


Question 11: “Is that all we need to do?”

Answer: “It is the best starting place on earth.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
