Catholics know: “Every day is ‘All Soul’s Day’!”

. Do the souls of all “believers” have one or two of the Sacramental “keys” that Jesus gave to Peter and His Church?


Question 1: “Why do Catholics have a Holy Day for ‘All Souls’?”

Answer: “Every person has a ‘soul’. It lives forever from the moment of conception. Catholics celebrate the souls of our beloved families, friends, and neighbors on All Souls Day.”


Question 2: “What happens to souls after they leave the body?”

Answer: “They go to God’s Judgment.”


Question 3: “What happens after THAT?”

Answer: “They go to one of two places. Souls who were pleasing to God go to Heaven. Others do not.”


Question 4: “Which souls does The Judge let into Heaven?”

Answer: “Those whom He finds to be among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’.”


Question 5: “Will all who say ‘I believe in Jesus.’ be among His obedient ‘friends’?”

Answer: “‘Belief’ without obedience puts a soul at great risk.”


Question 6: “What is the ‘great risk’ of willful disobedience?”

Answer: “Read This Word from John 6:37-40 carefully! ‘For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees The Son and believes in Him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day.’


Question 7: “His Words ‘may have’ means that ‘believing’ alone might not be enough. What must we do be guaranteed to ‘have eternal life’ in Heaven?”

Answer: “We must be among those who obey! They go to His Judgment among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 8: “If we have these ‘keys’ will our soul get into Heaven: ‘And I say unto you thou are Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. . .’?”

Answer: “Yes. The Seven Catholic Sacraments are among those ‘keys’. But, Catholics consider a new idea!”


Question 9: “What is that?”

Answer: “Many people ‘believe’ in pleasing God as they see Him. They may unknowingly have the Sacramental ‘key’ of Matrimony. Most Christian ‘believers’ also have the Sacramental ‘key’ of Baptism. If their souls are not otherwise corrupted, the souls of those ‘believers’ may have the ‘keys’ to The First and Second Circle of Heaven.”

Catholics pray that all of our beloved neighbors will get all the ‘keys’ they can for their Soul’s Day. Every day is All Soul’s Day!”


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