Catholics know! Every Democracy has an “elephant in the room”!

Catholics know! Every Democracy has an “elephant in the room”! It has a name. “Complex Frauds”. What does the “elephant in the room” do? It tramples the votes of trusting people.

The “Complex Frauds” inflicted on voters take many forms.

1. Some political figures tell lies to get votes.

2. They hire people to tell voters that those lies are truth.

Voters are trusting. We tend to believe those who say: “I am telling the truth.” When a candidate says, “I have a duty to warn you about something important!”, we tend to listen. Our minds are soon filled with worries about threatening dangers!

Many are imaginary! Imaginary Problems are the foundation of “Complex Frauds”! Imaginary Problems are trumpeted by “the elephant in the room”. They influence thoughts that turn into votes.


Another form of “Complex Fraud” takes place by falsifying ballots.

3. Some ballots are counterfeited.

4. Other ballots are thrown away.

5. Many are intentionally miscounted.

Every form of “Complex Frauds” is accompanied by the same lie in every election!

6. The “elephant in the room” trumpets: “This is an honest election!”


The worst people in any Democracy willfully engage in Voter Fraud. They spend their careers attacking Truth. Dante describes such sins as “Complex Frauds”. What happens to the immortal souls of “complex fraudsters”?

The immortal souls of those who engage in “Complex Fraud” spend Eternity in the Lower Circles of Hell. The more that any liar pretends to be telling the truth, the farther into eternal pain they fall.


Many pretend that Voter Fraud is not a problem. They have chosen to live in willful self-delusion. That pretension is another “Complex Fraud”!

Catholics avoid that. How? We know! Every vote in a Democracy is a test for souls. We always vote for the candidates who are most in favor of life, freedom, and families.


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