Catholics know: Every soul on earth may be saved. If . . .

.                                                     May every ‘crippled soul’ choose to be healed by Jesus.


Question 1:  “Who are the most evil people on earth?”

Answer:   “In every age, they are among those mentioned by The Prophet, Isaiah 1:1-1o, 16-20.  The first people he addresses are wealthy ‘princes’ who rule many nations.

Isaiah begins by telling the most corrupt people on earth to ‘listen’ to God.   Hear the word of the Lord, princes of Sodom!’   Then, he gives the same advice to all sinners of every belief:  ‘Listen to the instruction of our God, people of Gomorrah!’   Isaiah is clear.   There is One God to whom all sinful ‘princes’ and ‘peoples’ should ‘listen’.


Question 2:  “What does Isaiah tell them to do after they ‘listen to the instruction of our God’?”

Answer:  “He tells them to ‘Wash yourselves clean!  Put away your misdeeds from before My eyes;  cease doing evil; learn to do good.’


Question 3:  “What ‘good’ are they to do?”

Answer:  “They are told to ‘Make justice your aim:  redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow.’


Question 4:  “Can even the most evil ‘princes’ and ‘people’ get their souls into Heaven?”

Answer:  “Yes!  ‘Come now, let us set things right, says the Lord:   Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow;  Though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool.’


Question 5:  “Is it up to each of us to decide where his or her soul will spend eternity?”

Answer:  “Isaiah uses the word ‘If’ to make that clear.  If you are willing, and obey, you shall eat the good things of the land;  But if you refuse and resist, the sword shall consume you:  for the mouth of the LORD has spoken!’


Question 6:  “Isaiah is dead.  How do we know we should listen to Him, today?”

Answer:  “All The Prophets told us that The Truth Who Is God would take Human Form and come to earth.  Catholics choose to obey Teachings of Jesus Christ and The Church He Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word.

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’

Catholics know!  For 2,000 years, there has been one place on earth to get those ‘keys’.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
