Catholics know: evil is easy to identify.


St. John described three evil beings.  He tells in Rev. 12;17 about  “the dragon”.   He explains that “the dragon” goes after “all who obey Christ’s commandments”.   So, we know the “dragon” focuses on  destroying The Catholic Church.  He attacks The Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, priests, religious, and all Catholic Teachings.


The “dragon” has has two helpers.  St. John describes “the first beast” in Rev 13:1.  It is “from the sea”“Sea” is a symbolic word.  It means “peoples”.  So, “the beast from the sea” comes from the people.  In every generation, “the beast from the sea” chooses many people.   Those who serve “the beast from the sea” seize control of earthly governments.


He tells us of “the second beast” in Rev 13:11.  It comes from“the land”.   Many people “on land” are given the power to control communications.  Those led by “the second beast” have one job!  They are ordered to keep people from obeying This Word of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Those on “land” who serve the “second beast” have one job!  They keep people from obeying That Word of Jesus Christ!


Those who obey That Word of Jesus Christ are able to obey This Word that Jesus Christ repeated fourteen times!

“If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”!

Catholics know!   “When He was on earth, Jesus Christ repeated that bizarre command more often than any other specific instruction!  If I worthily receive Catholic Communion, The Miracle of Transubstantiation lets me ‘eat His Body and drink His Blood’!   That is The Only Way anyone on earth may undeniably have His ‘life in’ us!”


The “dragon”, the “first beast from the sea”, and the “second beast from the land” love death and damnation.  They hate for Catholics to “have life in” us!

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