Catholics know! God has “automated” Judgment.

Catholics know! All of Creation was Spoken Into Being to ‘automate’ The Judgment of our immortal souls!


Question 1: “Why do Catholics think God has ‘automated’ The Judgment of souls?”

Answer: “God ‘automates’ everything! He has ‘automated’ the sun, stars, earth, and moon. He has ‘automated’ the plants and animals! The ‘echoes of His Word’ must ‘automatically’ do His Will as they spin through space.”


Question 2: “Do Catholics believe that every thing in Creation is an ‘echo of God’s Words’?”

Answer: “Everything He Spoke into Being is an ongoing echo of His Words. Every human soul is an immortal echo of His Word.”


Question 3: “We have free will! Has God ‘automated’ His Judgment of our immortal souls?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ automated His Judgment with nine words! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’. Jesus Christ ‘automated’ the division of all people into two groups.”


Question 4: “What two groups are ‘automatically’ formed by That Word of God?”

Answer: “Every person is forced to choose! We must choose to be among His ‘obedient friends’ or His willfully disobedient enemies.”


Question 5: “What Word of Jesus Christ ‘automates’ the identification of His obedient ‘friends’?”

Answer: “The obedient ‘friends’ of Jesus Christ choose to obey This Word from Him! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 6: “Is that all there is to life? Going to Judgment among His obedient ‘friends’ and getting ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer: “Catholics know! God has ‘automated’ His Judgment of our souls. Every human soul is an immortal ‘living echo’ of His Word. Each must choose obedience or disobedience to Teachings of Jesus Christ. The consequences are ‘automatic’.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
