Catholics know! History is the war that Arians wage against us.

Catholics are fed by The Body of Christ. Arians hate for anyone to know that!


Question 1: “What was ‘The Thousand Year Reign’ described in Rev 20 when ‘an angel of The Lord threw the devil into the abyss for a thousand years’?”

Answer: “It was ‘the thousand years‘ between 500 AD and 1,500 AD. At the beginning of ‘The Thousand Year Reign’, anti-Catholic Arians were replaced by Catholic monarchs. At the end of ‘The Thousand Year Reign’, they returned to power with a new name for their old heresy: ‘Willful Protestants’.”


Question 2: “What did ‘Arians’ believe?”

Answer: “‘Arians’ believed that The Son was not equal to The Father and The Holy Spirit. They denied The Divine Perfection of All Three Persons of The Holy Trinity.”


Question 3: “Why did Arians refuse to believe in The Holy Trinity?”

Answer: “Arianism gave them an excuse to disobey These Words of Jesus! ‘Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.’. No Arian wanted to spend his life doing that! But, they did want to believe their souls could get into Heaven.

Before and after ‘The Thousand Year Reign’, every follower of Arius spread this ‘unholy vanity’ on earth: ‘God has to let me into Heaven!’


Question 4: “What did Arians do to Catholics?”

Answer: “They destroyed Catholics and their Churches whenever they could.”


Question 5: “How did Catholics survive attacks by millions of armed Goths, Visigoths, and other Arian Tribes?”

Answer: “A few Arian Kings listened to their Catholic wives! Those blessed women led Kings like Clovis in France and Reccared in Spain to become Catholics. God guided other good Catholic Queens in Armenia, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, and other nations at the beginning of His ‘Thousand Year Reign’.


Question 6: “What ended ‘The Thousand Year Reign’ of Jesus and His Church?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants turned Catholic advancements in every area into the most modern weapons on earth.
They seized control!

Bell-making metal technologies were used to make cannons. Church-building carpentry skills built fleets of armed warships. Mathematics turned into navigational and artillery skills. Men who would have been Monks and religious were forced into armed services on land and sea when monasteries and convents were turned into mansions for gluttons.

Much of the world was controlled by Arians from England who called themselves‘Episcopalian’. Continents were taken over by billionaires driven by gluttony.

‘The Thousand Year Reign’ of Jesus and His Church seemed to have ended.”


Question 7: “How did The Catholic Church stay alive?”

Answer: “The Grace of The Three Separate and Equal Persons of The One God lets His Chosen People obey The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus Christ repeated 14 times:

‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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