Catholics know: “If we ‘Think Small”, we ‘Think Better.'”

Question 1:  “How does ‘Thinking Small’ help Catholics ‘Think Better’?”

Question 1:  “How does ‘Thinking Small’ help Catholics ‘Think Better’?”

Answer:  ‘Thinking Small’ let us understand yesterday’s Daily Column that showed how a camel could go through the eye of a tiny needle.  If we ‘Think Small’, we will understand how our immortal soul can enter ‘the gates of Heaven’.”


Question 2:  “Getting into Heaven is the most important thing in life!  How can we get our immortal soul into Heaven?”

Answer:  “Catholics ‘Think Small’ about the 12 Gates of Heaven.  Our soul was inside us when we were conceived, so it fits inside, or around, a grain of salt.  The ‘The Twelve Gates of Heaven’ don’t need to be any bigger than a grain of salt.”


Question 3:  “Heaven is huge!   The Book of Revelation (12:16), tells us that Heaven is a perfect cube.  Each of the four walls is 2 million square miles (5,179,976. sq. km.).  Each wall of Heaven is as big as Australia!  How could our soul find a ‘gate’ the size of one grain of sand in Australia?”

Answer:  “Again, Catholics ‘Think Small’.  The Bible (Luke 16:14-31) tells us that ‘angels carried’ the soul of Lazarus  to Heaven.  Angels take saved souls to whichever one of ‘Twelve Gates’ is for the twelve kinds of people allowed into Heaven.  Each ‘gate’ is a perfect ‘pearl’ (Rev. 21:21) that does not need to be bigger than a few molecules of pearlescent material.”


Question 4:  “Are Catholics the only people who can ‘Think Small’ enough to understand that?”

Answer:  “Only Catholics can ‘Think Small’ well enough to understand and obey:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.'”


“Thinking Small” lets Catholics understand!  Those ‘keys to the Kingdom of Heaven’ do not need to be any bigger than a few “holy photons” that move our mind and soul to be forever among those Jesus lets into Heaven:  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

Catholics see those “holy photons” come from The Living Words of God and The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ from Catholic Communion.  They let us be Catholic and have ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’ for our precious, immortal soul.”

May all be blessed to “Think Small”, be Catholic, and get the “keys” Jesus gave His Life to leave on earth.

