Catholics know: Obeying Words of Jesus is “Life-giving”.

. Waves of sin wash many away.

Question 1: “What is the greatest evil in History?”

Answer: “Making money by getting people to disobey God’s Teachings in The Bible.”


Question 2: “There are more Christians than ever. Aren’t things getting better?”

Answer: “Unborn children are still being sacrificed on Babylon’s Altars of Convenience. Abortion, pills, and implants take life from billions of innocent children.”


Question 2: “Why is that happening?”

Answer: “More people than ever are disobeying This Catholic Teaching: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”


Question 3: “Aren’t Protestant denominations Pro-Life?”

Answer: “They once were. Now, very few of them will risk loosing donations by clearly teaching ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 4: “How long did Protestants provide That Catholic Teaching?”

Answer: “Some taught that for hundreds of years.”


Question 5: “Why did they stop?”

Answer: “Protestant Denominations chose to become more ‘worldly’. That changed their focus. Getting and keeping donors became more important than obeying ‘Be fruitful and multiply’. The willfully ‘unfruitful’ had more money for donations!”


Question 6: “Does that self-serving thinking cause confusion between people and God’s Words?”

Answer: The Profiteers of Protestantism need confusion! Confusion keeps Bible-believing Christians from obeying This Teaching of Jesus Christ that is in The Bible!

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 7: “It is a sign of confusion when Christians choose to disobey Any Word of Christ. Why don’t they notice?”

Answer: “Most Protestants do believe in God, Jesus, and The Bible. Profiteers of Willful Protestantism keep donors too confused to be in The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Jesus Spoke Into Being with His Word!


Question 8: “What happens to nations when people, families, and nations reject Catholicism?”

Answer: “Confusion leads to depression. Depression leads to drugs, death, and destruction.”


Question 9: “Did Jesus give us a way to appreciate life?”

Answer: Jesus Christ told us 14 times how we could have ‘life in’ us 14 times. ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 10: “Is that why The Bible tells us that ‘the wages of sin is death.’?”

Answer: “If you are smart enough to make that connection, you should be Catholic!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

History & Geography:
