Catholics know: “Obeying Jesus keeps us from drowning in confusion”.

Only Jesus can keep us from drowning in confusion.


Question 1: “Why is there so much confusion?”

Answer: “God Spoke Creation into Being. Every person in every generation must choose to be in one of two groups:

Group 1. “I want to live so that God will let my immortal soul be with Him, forever in Heaven.”

Group 2. “I want what I want and I want it now!”


Question 2: “Did Group 2 make things more confusing?”

Answer: “Earlier generations believed that God had Apollo and his horses pull a ball of fire across the sky every day. (Maybe He did!) Until Copernicus invented the telescope, most people believed the sun went around the earth. (Maybe, it did!) Now, people know there seem to be billions of planets and suns spinning around in galaxies of light and dark matter that we can’t even see.”


Question 3: “Free Will makes things more confusing! Why did God give us Free Will?”

Answer: “God has Free Will. We are ‘made in The Image of God’. So, we must have Free Will. Everyone in His Creation is free to obey or disobey His Words.”


Question 4: “Is that why we cannot end our confusion with our telescopes and microscopes?”

Answer: “Confusion is cured when we realize that He is the only explanation for all there is! Then, we must choose to obey OR to disobey Him. Only those who love God and their neighbors are able to get their immortal souls into Heaven.”


Question 6: “How do we know that Jesus is ‘The Cure for Confusion’?”

Answer: “The odds that anyone could have Fulfilled over 300 Written Prophecies about God’s Promised Messiah are trillions to one! Jesus Christ did fulfill those Prophecies. He told every person on earth that we have a soul with His Word!”


Question 7: “With what Words did Jesus tell us we each have an immortal soul?”

Answer: “He Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church, and these ‘keys’ into being!

‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Those ‘keys’ from Jesus keep Catholic souls from drowning in confusion.


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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