Catholics know: The Bible tells why we have Popes.

“Why is it necessary to have Successors to Peter? Is that in The Bible?”


Question 1: “Why is The Catholic Church led by Popes?”

Answer: “Catholics believe Every Word of God in The Bible. The Bible explains: only The Catholic Church was Spoken Into Being by This Word of Jesus Christ

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’

Only The Catholic Church is led by Successors to Peter.


Question 2: “Is the word ‘Pope’ in His Church-Founding Decree?”

Answer: “The Structure of The Catholic Church is made according to The Promise of Jesus! ‘. . and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ That is why The Church is right to elect Successors to Peter. His Church must have a leader in every generation.”


Question: “Does The Bible mention ‘successors’ to The Disciples, the First Catholic Bishops?”

Answer: “Psalm 109:8 is clear! ‘May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.‘ Peter used that Passage to explain why and how Judas should be replaced. With The Guidance of The Holy Spirit, the process of choosing Successors to Peter was established.”


Question 4: “How many Holy Fathers have been Successors to Peter?”

Answer: “260 Popes have sat in ‘The Chair of Peter’. Willful Protestants have argued with every one of them! It is one of the few constants in the world. Willful Protestants never respectfully obey Successors to Peter. They avoid Many Teachings of The Only Church Spoken Into Being by Jesus Christ, Himself!”


Question 5: “Why do Willful Protestants reject many Catholic Teachings?”

Answer: “The people of the world love their opinions more than Teachings of Jesus. They are drowning in the world’s continual confusion. The Profiteers of Protestantism make a living by getting donors to believe ‘We know more than Jesus and His Church about that!‘ when a Catholic Teaching gets in their way.”


Question 6: “What happens to the souls of those who willfully disobey Teachings of Jesus and His Church?”

Answer: “May they all be blessed to understand! The most important thing in life is to go to The Judgment of Jesus and be forever among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

Catholics know! Jesus did want His Church to be led by Successors to Peter. Catholics respect Jesus so much that we are in His Church and we are properly respectful of The Successors to Peter.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
