Catholics know: The Tribe of Dan is a “snake in the grass”.

Catholics avoid ‘snakes in the grass’ that keep neighbors from joy on earth and in Heaven.

Catholics avoid ‘snakes in the grass’ that keep neighbors from joy on earth and in Heaven.


Question 1: “What makes people think of The Tribe of Dan as a ‘snake in the grass’?'”

Answer: “That is how Dan’s father, Jacob, described him in Genesis 49:17! ‘Let Dan be a snake in the way, a serpent in the path, that bites the horse’s heels that his rider may fall backward’”.


Question 2: “Why did Jacob say that?”

Answer: “Jacob was The Father of The 12 Tribes. His direct, prayerful contact with God gave him an insight to 12 types of human nature.”


Question 3: “What was Dan’s nature?”

Answer: “Dan is the human version of ‘a snake in the grass’. He would try to destroy a neighbor by biting his horse’s ‘heels’ instead of dealing in a open and honorable way.”


Question 4: “Is every person who makes sneaky attacks on their neighbors telling us they are in The Tribe of Dan?”

Answer: “Yes. Jacob warned the world to beware of those in The Tribe of Dan. They are literally ‘snakes in the grass’ who try to destroy those they are afraid to face.”


Question 5: “What happens to the souls of people like that?”

Answer: “God tells us who gets into Heaven in Rev 7:5-8. No one from The Tribe of Dan is in Heaven!”


Question 6: “Was Judas in The Tribe of Dan?

Answer. “Judas was a sneak thief. He stole money from donations to Jesus and His Mission. He helped the enemies of Jesus kill Him. Judas personifies The Tribe of Dan.”


Question 7: “How did early Catholics look at Judas?

Answer: “St. Hippolytus of Rome saw him clearly! ‘Let Dan be a serpent, lying upon the ground, biting the horse’s heel. What, then, is meant by the serpent but Antichrist, that deceiver who is mentioned in Genesis 3:1 who deceived Eve and supplanted Adam’s heel’.”


Question 8: “Is the ‘snake’ in The Garden of Eden the same ‘serpent’ in Revelation 12 who tries to destroy Mary and The Church?

Answer: “The end of The Bible gives a clearer view of the ‘snake’ that is ‘The Tribe of Dan’. Many of them try to get their neighbors to disobey This Word of Jesus and reject His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’!

‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


May all be blessed to not let any “snakes in the grass” inject their deadly poison into our body, mind, and soul.


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