Catholics know: There is one thing to be proud of!

.           May all think clearly enough to ask Jesus how to get those “keys to The Kingdom Heaven” for our immortal soul!


Question 1:  “What is one thing Catholics are proud of?”

Answer:  “Catholics are proud of thinking clearly enough to be called and chosen by Jesus Christ!”


Question 2:  “What did Jesus Christ call Catholics to do?”

Answer:  “He called us to choose to be Catholic!”


Question 3:  “Why are Catholics proud of that?”

Answer:  “The soul of every person will stand before Jesus Christ at Judgment!  He will decide if our soul will get into Heaven.”


Question 4:  “How does being Catholic get our soul into Heaven?”

Answer:   “Only Catholics ask to be chosen to think clearly about The Great Decree of Jesus Christ!  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, . .’


Question 5:  “Where does Jesus Christ tell us that Catholics have those ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer:  “He is very clear about that in John 15:14!  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’   We can’t be among His “friends’ if we reject The Only Church He gave His Life to leave on earth.”


Question 6:  “How can a person be chosen to be among His obedient Catholic ‘friends”?”

Answer:  “We ask to be chosen!  ‘God, please choose me to think clearly enough to be among your obedient, Catholic ‘friends’ and get those ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ for my immortal soul!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

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