Catholics know: We live in the shadows of Babylon.

.                     The Prophet Daniel heard from God’s Angels in the shadows of Babylon.  That’s where we live!


Question 1:  “What do Catholics more easily understand about God’s Angels and History?”

Answer:  “The Bible describe more than the movements of Abraham and his descendants in the Twelve Tribes.”  They symbolize the unwritten movements of every group of people since Adam and Eve.  Families turned into Tribes, Peoples, and Nations.  Wars between them are continual.”


Question 3:  “How did God give those early Peoples His Instructions?”

Answer:  “He sent them Angels.   His ‘Good Angels’ guided people with rules that the best of the world’s ancient Tribes and Peoples tried to follow.  They condemned stealing, lying, adultery, and treason.

All through History, ‘fallen Angels’, taught the opposite.  They, fathers of the ‘nephilim’,  taught their followers that lying, sex, human sacrifice, and every sin should be embraced.”


Question 4:  “Do specific examples show how Guardian Angels helped Peoples on earth?”

Answer:  “Deuteronomy 32:8 tells us about ‘help’ from God’s Angels.  The Bible calls them ‘Princes’, or ‘Sons of God’.   In Daniel 10:13, Gabriel tells Daniel about two of them.  ‘But the prince (fallen angel) of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days.  Then Michael, one of the chief princes, (of God’s Angels) came to help me, . . ‘.”

In Daniel 8:15-27, Daniel heard someone (Jesus?) say:  ‘Gabriel, tell him (Daniel) the meaning of the vision’.”


Question 5:  “Do Willful Protestants have a hard time seeing the difference between God’s Angels and the ‘fallen angels’?”

Answer:  “Yes.  They hate to admit a simple fact!  Their denominations have let ‘fallen angels’ lead them to reject This Catholic Teaching:  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 6:  “Why don’t they want to admit that obvious fact?”

Answer:  “That admission would lead the best of their donors to obey This Word of Jesus Christ!  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’

History makes one thing clear!  Fallen angels do not want anyone who lives in the shadows of Babylon to be ‘bound in Heaven’.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

