Catholics know: We must strive to serve.

The Bible is “The Word” of God. The Bible begins when God began to “Speak” Creation Into Being with four Words: “Let there be light.”

The Bible gives us more “light”. That “light” lets us see History from that moment through to the present, and to the Future. The Bible ends with knowledge of things to come in The Book of Revelation.

The light of The Bible lets us see where each of us will be at the coming Judgment.


Rev. 22:3 tells us of the only people who will be in Heaven. “His servants”! The need to be among “His servants” is repeated in verse 7. That tells us there are two groups of people.

1. There are “His servants”.

2. There are those who chose to not serve Him.

It is impossible to be forever among “His servants” in Heaven if we have willfully and knowingly chosen to not serve Him while we are on earth!

We all have enough intelligence to understand that only “His servants” are in Heaven! We must accompany that understanding with obeying if we are to be among “His servants” in Heaven.


The sin of disobedience keeps many from Heaven. “Happy are those who have washed their robes clean so that they will have the right to feed on the tree of life and can come through the gates into the city.”

Our “robes” may only be cleansed in one way! Jesus told us that we must receive Absolution from a Catholic priest after a Good Confession.

Jesus was very clear about the Power He gives only to Catholic priests: “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

We cannot have our sins forgiven if we willfully and knowingly have refused to do what is necessary to make a Good Confession and receive Absolution from a Catholic priest!


The Bible tells us who cannot get into Heaven! “These others must stay outside: dogs, fortune-tellers, and fornicators, and murderers, and idolaters, and everyone of false speech and false life.”

Those who are not allowed into Heaven chose to not be among “His servants” on earth.

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