Catholics know: We MUST Think Clearly about “The Gates of Heaven”.


.         The ‘Twelve Gates” to “The City of Heaven” may be so tiny that souls swollen by sin cannot pass through them.


Question 1:  “Why do we Catholics work to Think Clearly about ‘The Gates of Heaven’?

Answer:  “Catholics are blessed!  We Think Clearly enough to know:   We can’t get into Heaven if we can’t get through ‘The Gates of Heaven’!”


Question 2:  “What does The Bible tell us about ‘The Gates of Heaven’?”

Answer:  “The Bible tells us in Rev 21:10-27 that there are ‘twelve gates’ to ‘The City of Heaven’.  There are three ‘gates’ in each of Heaven’s four walls.  There is an ‘angel’ at each ‘gate’.”


Question 3:  “How big are ‘The Gates of Heaven’?”

Answer:  “‘The Gates of Heaven’ are big enough to let some souls get through the ‘walls’ of Heaven and live in the joyful Light of God, forever.”


Question 4:  “How do souls get to ‘The Gates of Heaven’?”

Answer:  “Luke 16:19-31 tells us that saved souls are ‘carried’ to Heaven by ‘angels’.  Their souls get through one of the ‘gates’ in Heaven.”


Question 5:  “Why are there ‘twelve gates’ in ‘The City of Heaven’?”

Answer:  “There are ‘twelve Tribes’ of God’s Chosen People.  Every person on earth is in one of His ‘Tribes’.”


Question 6:  “Which people in His ‘Twelve Tribes’ have angels sent to take their souls to their ‘gate’?”

Answer:  “Those in Every Tribe who are among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ are in His ‘Catholic Tribe’!   God sends His angels to ‘carry’ their souls to their ‘gate’.”


Question 7:  “How does God identify His ‘obedient friends’?”

Answer:  “God reads what each of us has written in our ‘Book of Life’.   What we have chosen to write tells Him if we are among His obedient ‘friends’.”


Question 8:  “What ‘command’ are Catholics blessed to obey?”

Answer:  “We obey The Great Decree of Jesus Christ, Himself!  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, . . .’


Question 9:  “What happens to the souls of those who have willfully chosen to disobey that ‘command’ from Jesus?”

Answer:   “He tells us in His next word!   ‘ . . .and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 10:  “Did God give Catholic priests The Power to forgive us when we disobey Christ’s ‘commands’?”

Answer:   “John 20:23 makes that clear!  ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’


Question 11:  “Why isn’t everyone who reads The Bible a Catholic?”

Answer:  “Many do not Think Clearly about ‘The Gates of Heaven’.”

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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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