Catholics know WHY Creation is COMPLICATED!

we understand THIS:


Question 1: “Why is God’s Creation so complicated?”

Answer: “God wanted to give every human being Free Will.”


Question 2: “How does a Complicated Creation give us Free Will?”

Answer: “We must not be forced to believe and obey Words of God. We must choose to believe and obey.”


Question 3: “Can we look at anything in The Universe and prove that God made it?”

Answer: “No! Every thing in Creation is an incredibly beautiful sculpture that is ‘unsigned’ by The Artist. Every detail of every sculpture is another sculpture!”


Question 4: “What’s a simple example?”

Answer: “A blade of grass. Every part of it, from root to stem to leaf to seed is a ‘living sculpture’. Each one connects to every other ‘living sculpture’ that makes a blade of grass.

It has life from the ‘blazing sculpture’ that is the sun. It grows from the ‘flowing sculpture’ that is water and the ‘mineral sculptures’ that form the earth around its ‘root sculpture’.”


Question 5: “Is a blade of grass a complicated ‘living sculpture’ we can study for years?”

Answer: “Yes. As we do, we think about God’s ‘Cow Sculpture’. A cow is a ‘living sculpture’ that eats grass! Every day, God’s incredible ‘cow sculptures’ eat countless billions of His ‘grass sculptures’!”


Question 6: “Did God tell anyone what He had done?”

Answer: “He led men to write words in The Bible. They explain that He ‘Spoke’ all of Creation into Being with His Words!”


Question 7: “Is every word we use a kind of ‘mental sculpture’ that lets us put the ‘sculptures’ God made into our minds in an orderly way?”

Answer: “If you can Think Clearly enough to understand that, you can understand and live in The Most Complicated Word God ever Spoke!


Question 8: “What is The Most Complicated Word God Ever Spoke?”

Answer: “God Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with This Word!

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 9: “What does a person gain by living in accord with That Word of God?”

Answer: “We get ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ for the beautiful, living sculpture God made out of our parents’ DNA: our immortal soul!”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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