Catholics know

Catholics know.

When we began, we were no bigger than a grain of salt that combined from two cells.  We were a few hundred trillion very well organized atoms.  Our soul directed our spirit to grow our body from the minerals around it according to the DNA molecules that were our “construction blueprint”.

The Only Church Jesus Founded recognizes that such tiny lives are precious.  So, The Catholic Church teaches:  “Life must be protected from conception to natural death.”

Catholics know:  “It is wrong to kill people as small as I once was!”

Catholics encourage us to think about how small we were.  Catholics know we should think about how small the tiniest unborn babies are:  no bigger than a grain of salt.

Babies are a LOT of work!  And, a LOT of joy.  Many focus on how much it takes to raise a child.  “I just can’t afford to have a baby!”

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Many do know, and do not let themselves care.  Many avoid The Catholic Church because they do not want to obey “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”  They want to get rid of the tiny baby before it becomes burdensome.

They make a discovery:  45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations do not have written condemnation of abortion-inducing birth control!  They are too afraid of losing members to demand that the tiniest of unborn babies be cherished, and not killed.

Many leave The Catholic Church for the promise:  “You are a good person.  You are going to Heaven.  Now, give me some money.”

The contradiction caused by saying “I believe in Jesus, but I am not going to obey ‘Thou shall not kill.’ and ‘Love your neighbor.’ hurts us.   Contradictions cause short-circuits in the neural connections of the brain. The inevitable result: Little dead places in the brain.

Every time we say “I believe in Jesus, but I don’t believe I have to obey everything He says.” we are trying to be both be a believer and a non-believer. We can’t be two things at once. Every time that contradiction is repeated, more short circuits occur. Each contradiction leaves little dead places in the brain.

It may also leave little dead babies in the body.


Jesus died so that we could Be Catholic. He tells us why we should “remain” Catholic! Question 1:  “Where does Jesus tell His followers:  ‘Be Catholic.  Remain Catholic.’?” Answer:  “Look at Today’s Weekly Reading!  Acts 9:26-31 begins with St. Paul, one of The Twelve Cardinal-Bishops chosen by Jesus Christ, Himself!  ‘When Saul arrived in Jerusalem […]

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Catholics know! “Jesus loves me so much that He has chosen me to get the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that He died to leave on earth!” ~ Question 1: “Why are Catholics the only people who can most meaningfully say: ‘Jesus loves ME!’?” Answer: “Catholics are the only people on earth who […]