Catholics live in, and are, bubbles

Catholic Fundamentalism has been posting Daily Columns for over ten years. Recently, this one popped up from It  was an all-time favorite. I enjoyed re-reading it and hope you do:

From June 27, 2006:  Catholics live in, and are, bubbles.

Trying to be a good Catholic keeps us from many popular activities. We are not encouraged to be involved in falsehood and are told to “avoid the near occasions of sin”.

Few frauds on earth have been as expensive and hurtful as public education. Yet, there are Catholics working in that, and other fraud-ridden systems not ordinarily thought to be criminal in nature.

As Catholics viewsuch occupations, we cannot help but see elements of fraud. Yet, we are not all called to be monks and nuns.

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If we are in an organization with elements of corruption, we must, as Jesus said, “be content with our pay”.  We must not steal, take bribes, or do wrong.

If our bubble breaks, we will be destroyed in the collapse. Scientists find that when surrounding pressure causes bubbles to collapse, the collapsing bubbles produce so much energy that sometimes they emit sound and light.

When a human bubble bursts, the Devil hears and laughs triumphantly at the collapse.  Jesus hears, and weeps.

Countless angels, saints, and saved souls want us to preserve our souls. Turn to them in adversity. Their ever-bright bubbles swirl around the Throne of God in endless, coruscating waves.

Oh, to be one of them and not a burst bubble, blasted into the abyss.


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