Catholics love God more than our opinions.

Revelation 8 tells us to not be distracted by earthly attractions.  We understand The Power of The Trumpets God gave His angels.

1. “One third of the earth was burnt up.”

2. “One third of all trees.”  And, “every blade of grass was burnt”.

3. “A third of the sea was turned to blood.”  

4. “A third of all the living things in the sea were killed.”

5. “A third of all ships were destroyed.”

6. “A third of all rivers and springs.”

7. A third of all water was turned to bitter ‘wormwood’ by Wormwood.”

8. “A third of the sun, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars were blasted so that a light went out of a third of them.”

9. “For a third of the day there was no illumination.”

10.  “For a third of the night there was no illumination.”


God’s Trumpets tell us:  “Listen to God!”


After all that destruction, St. John then:  “heard an eagle calling aloud as it flew overhead, ‘Trouble, trouble, trouble for all the people on earth at the sound of the other three trumpets which the three angels are going to blow.”

Things are going to get worse!


Catholics take comfort in This Word of Jesus!  Jesus told us of those He would protect, guide, and save.

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholics make the smart decision!  “I want to go to Judgment among the obedient ‘friends’ of Jesus!”  I must not let The Profiteers of Protestantism play to my vanity!  I must obey Every Word of Jesus!”


Catholics do not want to be among the willfully disobedient enemies of Jesus!  His obedient “friends” try to obey Every Word of Jesus.  So, we Catholics obey This Word of Jesus!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics are blessed to know this fact.  Every Word of Jesus Is Truth.

We do not want to be among the willfully disobedient enemies of He Who Is Truth!

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