Catholics love New Ideas about souls and demons. 1.

Catholics have a New Idea about what may happen to the poor souls who chose to disobey Words of Jesus and not be in Heaven.


Question 1: “That sounds interesting! How many demons can live in one person’s mind?”

Answer: “Today’s Reading from Mark 5:1-20 is clear. 2,000 demons can live in the mind of one person!”


Question 2: “How big is a demon?”

Answer: “Some of them may be smaller than a living, negative electron.”


Question 3: “What do demons do?”

Answer: “Every demon tries to keep the human mind in which it lives from obeying This Word of Jesus Christ!

‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 4: “Why do demons want to keep people from Christ’s ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer: “They want to spend eternity tormenting the immortal souls of those they keep from getting Christ’s ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.”


Question 5: “Do demons spend eternity endlessly tormenting the souls they kept from Heaven?”

Answer: “Maybe!


Question 6: “Maybe? I thought that demons in hell got to torture souls forever.”

Answer: “It may be more complicated. After ‘The City of God’ comes to earth, things in hell may be reversed!”


Question 7: “What could happen?”

Answer: “God’s justice could extend into the pits of hell. Lost souls may begin tormenting the demons instead of being tormented by them.”


Question 8: “That’s an interesting possibility! Is it true?”

Answer: “We know that evil will be destroyed. It makes sense that the evils in hell will be re-structured. The demons who led people to reject ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ may end up being eternally tormented by the immortal souls of those they kept from getting into Heaven.”


Question 9: “Hell is a ‘lake of burning sulfur’! How could the ‘victims’ of demons be empowered to torment the evil spirits who led their immortal souls into ‘the lake of burning sulfur’?”

Answer: “It would only take something like This Word of God to echo through ‘the lake of burning sulphur’ in This Divine Command! ‘Reverse Polarity’!

If That Word of God is spoken, demons would suddenly be given over to those they kept from Heaven. They would be the ones who are tortured mercilessly forever.”


Question 10: “Why should we think about that?”

Answer: “Is there any other hope for justice for those who were led to not be among those identified by Jesus Christ, Himself! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’?”


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